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Bourbon Review: A Blind Head-to-Head Comparison


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Exploring the world of bourbon can be an exciting journey filled with unique flavors and experiences. In this blind head-to-head comparison, two highly acclaimed bourbons, Michter’s Small Batch Bourbon and the heavily allocated Michter’s 10-Year Bourbon, were put to the test. The results of this comparison were surprising and shed light on the true nature of these revered bourbons.

Through a rigorous tasting process, the nuances of each bourbon were carefully examined, from the nose to the flavor profile and overall drinking experience. The objective scoring system used in this comparison provided valuable insights into the qualities of these bourbons, allowing for a thorough evaluation of their strengths and weaknesses.

As the tasting scores, retail scores, and consumer scores were tallied, the true value of these bourbons became apparent. Despite their reputations in the bourbon world, the blind tasting revealed unexpected outcomes that challenged conventional wisdom and highlighted the importance of personal preference in selecting a bourbon.

Join us on this journey of discovery as we delve into the world of Michter’s bourbon and uncover the truth behind these acclaimed spirits. Whether you’re a seasoned bourbon enthusiast or new to the world of whiskey, this blind head-to-head comparison offers valuable insights that will enhance your appreciation of these iconic bourbons.

About Michter’s Bourbon

Michter’s Bourbon is a highly acclaimed brand that offers a range of premium bourbon products, including the Small Batch Bourbon and the 10-Year Bourbon. The Small Batch Bourbon is known for its unique flavors and smooth drinking experience, making it a favorite among bourbon enthusiasts. On the other hand, the 10-Year Bourbon is a heavily allocated product with a higher price point and limited availability.

Both bourbons have their own distinct characteristics and appeal to different preferences. The Small Batch Bourbon is praised for its sweetness and approachability, making it a good choice for those new to the world of whiskey. In contrast, the 10-Year Bourbon offers a more complex flavor profile with hints of oak and spice, catering to more seasoned bourbon drinkers.

Despite their reputations in the bourbon world, the blind head-to-head comparison revealed surprising outcomes that challenged conventional wisdom. The tasting scores, retail scores, and consumer scores provided valuable insights into the true nature of these revered bourbons, highlighting the importance of personal preference in selecting a bourbon. Whether you prefer the approachable sweetness of the Small Batch Bourbon or the complexity of the 10-Year Bourbon, Michter’s Bourbon offers a range of options to suit different palates.

Blind Head-to-Head Comparison

Two highly revered bourbons, Michter’s Small Batch Bourbon and Michter’s 10-Year Bourbon, were put to the test in a blind head-to-head comparison. Despite their reputations, the tasting revealed surprising outcomes that challenged conventional wisdom.

During the tasting process, Glass One (Michter’s Small Batch) showcased a sweet aroma of maple syrup, but fell short on flavor and overall experience. In contrast, Glass Two (Michter’s 10-Year) offered a spicy note with hints of cinnamon, yet left a bitter oak finish, making it more complex but less enjoyable.

When considering the retail scores, Glass One is priced at $50 with decent availability, earning a “just okay” rating. However, in the consumer score, it received a thumbs down, indicating a lack of desire to repurchase. This led to a real-world score of 2.5 out of 10 for Glass One.

On the other hand, Glass Two, priced at $130 and with limited availability, received a thumbs down in both retail and consumer scores. With a disappointing taste and high price point, it scored a mere 2.0 out of 10 in the real-world evaluation.

Despite the hype surrounding these bourbons, the blind head-to-head comparison revealed that personal preference and value for money play a significant role in selecting a bourbon. Both bourbons, though highly acclaimed, fell short of expectations, highlighting the importance of exploring different options before making a purchase decision.

Tasting Notes for Glass One

Upon tasting Glass One of Michter’s Small Batch Bourbon, a sweet aroma of maple syrup was detected, setting a promising tone for the experience. However, the flavor fell short of expectations, leaving the overall drinking experience lacking. Despite being priced at $50 with decent availability, Glass One received a mixed review. While it earned a “just okay” rating in the retail score, consumers gave it a thumbs down, indicating a lack of desire to repurchase. This led to a real-world score of 2.5 out of 10 for Glass One.

Tasting Notes for Glass Two

Upon tasting Glass Two of Michter’s 10-Year Bourbon, a spicy aroma with hints of cinnamon and brown sugar was detected, promising a unique flavor profile. The initial taste revealed a complex combination of cinnamon, pine, and a grainy note, providing a more layered experience than Glass One. However, the finish turned bitter with a lingering oakiness, which may not appeal to all palates.

While the nose was faint and simple, the mid-palate offered a spicy kick reminiscent of the holiday season, adding depth to the overall drinking experience. The distinct flavors of cinnamon and sugar were prominent, but the bitter oak finish left a slightly unfavorable impression. Despite its complexity, Glass Two may not be suitable for those who prefer smoother finishes in their bourbon.

In terms of retail scores, Glass Two is priced at $130 with limited availability, making it a premium product in the bourbon market. However, both the retail and consumer scores resulted in a thumbs down, indicating a lack of desire to repurchase due to the disappointing taste and high price point. With a real-world score of 2.0 out of 10, Glass Two fell short of expectations, highlighting the importance of personal preference and value for money when selecting a bourbon.

Reveal and Analysis of Results

The blind head-to-head comparison between Michter’s Small Batch Bourbon and Michter’s 10-Year Bourbon revealed surprising outcomes that challenged conventional wisdom. Despite their reputations in the bourbon world, the tasting scores, retail scores, and consumer scores provided valuable insights into the true nature of these revered bourbons.

Glass One, identified as Michter’s Small Batch Bourbon, was priced at $50 with decent availability. The retail score was rated as “just okay,” indicating average value for the price point. However, the consumer score resulted in a thumbs down, suggesting a lack of desire to repurchase. The overall real-world score for Glass One was 2.5 out of 10, highlighting the underwhelming experience and lack of re-buy appeal.

On the other hand, Glass Two, revealed to be Michter’s 10-Year Bourbon, was priced at $130 with limited availability. Despite its premium positioning, both the retail and consumer scores resulted in thumbs down, indicating disappointment in taste and high price point. The real-world score for Glass Two was a mere 2.0 out of 10, showcasing a significant gap between expectations and actual satisfaction.

These results underscore the importance of personal preference and value for money when selecting a bourbon. While both Michter’s bourbons are highly acclaimed, the blind tasting experience elucidated the need to explore different options before making a purchase decision. The surprising outcomes from this comparison serve as a reminder that hype and reputation do not always align with individual preferences and satisfaction.

Retail Score and Consumer Score for Glass One

For Glass One, Michter’s Small Batch Bourbon, the retail score is assessed at just okay due to its price of $50 and decent availability. While it is considered a premium product, the price point may be a bit higher compared to other bourbons in the market. In terms of the consumer score, it received a thumbs down, indicating a lack of desire to repurchase. This sentiment is likely influenced by the underwhelming flavor profile and overall drinking experience. As a result, Glass One receives a real-world score of 2.5 out of 10.

Retail Score and Consumer Score for Glass Two

When assessing Glass Two, Michter’s 10-Year Bourbon, the retail score is just okay due to its high price of $130 and limited availability. The premium price point and scarcity of this bourbon may deter some consumers from purchasing it. In terms of the consumer score, it received a thumbs down, indicating a lack of desire to repurchase. The disappointing taste and bitter oak finish contributed to this sentiment. As a result, Glass Two receives a real-world score of 2.0 out of 10, showcasing the gap between expectations and satisfaction.

Real World Scores and Final Thoughts

After a blind head-to-head comparison between Michter’s Small Batch Bourbon and Michter’s 10-Year Bourbon, the real-world scores revealed surprising outcomes. Despite their reputations in the bourbon world, both bourbons fell short of expectations in this evaluation.

Starting with Glass One, identified as Michter’s Small Batch Bourbon, it received a rating of just okay in the retail score due to its $50 price point and decent availability. However, in the consumer score, it received a thumbs down, indicating a lack of desire to repurchase. As a result, Glass One ended up with a real-world score of 2.5 out of 10.

Moving on to Glass Two, which turned out to be Michter’s 10-Year Bourbon, it also received a just okay rating in the retail score due to its $130 price tag and limited availability. Similarly, the consumer score resulted in a thumbs down, highlighting disappointment in taste and high price point. With a real-world score of 2.0 out of 10, Glass Two fell short of expectations, emphasizing the importance of personal preference and value for money when selecting a bourbon.

These results underscore the need for exploration and tasting before making a purchase decision, as hype and reputation do not always align with individual preferences and satisfaction. While both Michter’s bourbons are highly acclaimed, the blind tasting experience revealed the importance of personal taste and value when selecting a bourbon that truly resonates with the consumer.


What is the difference between Michter’s Small Batch Bourbon and Michter’s 10-Year Bourbon?

Michter’s Small Batch Bourbon offers a unique sweetness and approachability, making it a good choice for those new to whiskey. On the other hand, Michter’s 10-Year Bourbon provides a more complex flavor profile with hints of oak and spice, catering to seasoned bourbon drinkers.

What are the pricing and availability of Michter’s Small Batch Bourbon and Michter’s 10-Year Bourbon?

Michter’s Small Batch Bourbon is priced at $50 with decent availability, while Michter’s 10-Year Bourbon is priced at $130 with limited availability. The 10-Year Bourbon can also be harder to find compared to the Small Batch Bourbon.

Are Michter’s bourbons suitable for beginners in the world of whiskey?

Both Michter’s Small Batch Bourbon and Michter’s 10-Year Bourbon are approachable for beginners, but personal preference plays a significant role in selecting a bourbon. The Small Batch Bourbon offers a sweeter profile, while the 10-Year Bourbon provides a more complex tasting experience.



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