Suntory Toki Whiskey Cocktails: How to Make a Refreshing Japanese Highball

Suntory Toki Whiskey Cocktails: How to Make a Refreshing Japanese Highball

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Learn how to make a refreshing Japanese highball cocktail using Suntory Toki whiskey. This simple and easy-to-make cocktail is perfect for any occasion. The combination of whiskey, sparkling water, and a hint of lemon creates a light and enjoyable drink that is sure to impress your guests. Whether you’re a whiskey aficionado or just looking for a new cocktail recipe to try, this Japanese highball is a must-try.

Follow along with the step-by-step instructions to create your own version of this classic cocktail. With the right ingredients and a few simple steps, you’ll be able to enjoy a delicious Suntory Toki whiskey highball in no time. So gather your supplies, pour yourself a drink, and let’s get started on making a refreshing and satisfying cocktail that is sure to become a favorite.

Japanese Style Whiskey Highball

Japanese style whiskey highballs are a popular and refreshing cocktail option that is simple to make and enjoyable to drink. Typically found in restaurants in Japan, these highballs are made with a combination of whiskey and sparkling water, with a hint of lemon for added flavor.

The key to a great Japanese style whiskey highball is to use a light whiskey that won’t overpower the other flavors in the cocktail. Suntory Toki whiskey is a popular choice for this type of cocktail, as it provides a subtle smokiness, citrus notes, and a touch of sweetness that pairs well with the sparkling water and lemon.

To make a Japanese style whiskey highball, simply pour 45ml of Suntory Toki whiskey into a highball glass, fill the glass with sparkling water, and add a slice of lemon for an extra kick of flavor. Give it a quick stir, and you’ll have a refreshing and easy-to-drink cocktail that is perfect for any occasion.

Whether you’re looking to cool down on a hot day or simply want to enjoy a light and flavorful cocktail, a Japanese style whiskey highball is the perfect choice. Experiment with different whiskeys and citrus flavors to find your favorite combination, and enjoy this classic cocktail with friends and family.

Choosing the Right Whiskey

When it comes to making the perfect Japanese style whiskey highball, choosing the right whiskey is key. You’ll want to select a light whiskey that complements the other flavors in the cocktail without overpowering them. Suntory Toki whiskey is a popular choice for this cocktail due to its subtle smokiness, citrus notes, and touch of sweetness that pair well with sparkling water and lemon.

Opting for a whiskey that is not too strong or harsh ensures that the flavors blend seamlessly, creating a refreshing and easy-to-drink cocktail. While Suntory Toki is a great option, feel free to experiment with different light whiskeys to find the perfect balance for your highball.

Remember, the goal is to enjoy a light and flavorful cocktail that is suitable for any occasion. By choosing a whiskey like Suntory Toki, you can create a Japanese highball that is both refreshing and satisfying. So, next time you’re mixing up a cocktail, consider the whiskey carefully to elevate your drinking experience.

Making the Cocktail

To create a Japanese style whiskey highball, start by pouring 45ml of Suntory Toki whiskey into a highball glass. This light whiskey offers subtle smokiness, citrus notes, and a touch of sweetness that pairs perfectly with the sparkling water and lemon.

Next, fill the glass with sparkling water, ensuring it reaches the top. This step adds a refreshing and hydrating element to the cocktail, making it easy to enjoy multiple servings without the fear of a hangover.

For an extra burst of flavor, add a slice of lemon to the highball glass. The lemon complements the whiskey and sparkling water, enhancing the overall taste of the cocktail.

Give the ingredients a quick stir to blend the flavors together, creating a delicious and light cocktail that is suitable for any occasion. The goal of a Japanese style whiskey highball is to deliver a drink that is both enjoyable and easy to drink, making it a popular choice in Japan.

Experiment with different whiskeys, citrus flavors, and sparkling water variations to find your perfect combination. Whether you’re cooling down on a hot day or simply looking for a light and flavorful cocktail, a Japanese style whiskey highball is a fantastic choice to enjoy with friends and family.

Tasting the Cocktail

The Japanese style whiskey highball made with Suntory Toki whiskey is a refreshing and easy-to-drink cocktail that brings back memories of hot summer days. The combination of the light whiskey, sparkling water, and a hint of lemon creates a drink that is both enjoyable and satisfying.

Upon tasting the cocktail, the whiskey’s subtle smokiness, citrus notes, and touch of sweetness are evident without overpowering the other flavors. The lemon adds a burst of freshness and tang, enhancing the overall flavor profile of the highball.

The cocktail is perfect for cooling down on a hot day, as it is refreshing and hydrating. The whiskey’s earthy notes, along with the citrus flavors, create a well-balanced drink that is easy to enjoy. The harshness that may be present in the whiskey is diluted down, making it a smooth and light cocktail.

Overall, the Japanese style whiskey highball with Suntory Toki whiskey is a fantastic choice for those looking for a simple and delicious cocktail. Whether you’re reminiscing about past experiences or looking to create new memories, this cocktail is sure to be a hit.

Benefits of Using Suntory Toki

By choosing Suntory Toki whiskey for your Japanese style highball cocktail, you are ensuring a delightful drinking experience. The subtle smokiness, citrus notes, and touch of sweetness in Suntory Toki blend harmoniously with sparkling water and lemon, creating a well-balanced and flavorful cocktail.

Suntory Toki is specifically crafted for cocktails like highballs, offering a smooth and light profile that is perfect for easy drinking. The whiskey’s flavors remain present without overpowering the other ingredients, providing a refreshing and enjoyable taste with each sip.

Using Suntory Toki in your highball ensures that you can create a drink suitable for any occasion. The whiskey’s versatility allows it to be mixed effortlessly with sparkling water and lemon, resulting in a cocktail that is both satisfying and simple to make.

Experimenting with different whiskeys may alter the overall flavor of your highball, but Suntory Toki stands out as a reliable choice that consistently delivers a pleasant and refreshing cocktail experience. So, elevate your cocktail game by incorporating Suntory Toki whiskey into your next Japanese highball creation.

Personal Experience with Whiskey Highballs

Having had the opportunity to indulge in Japanese style whiskey highballs made with Suntory Toki whiskey, the experience was nothing short of delightful. The combination of the light whiskey, sparkling water, and a hint of lemon created a refreshing and easy-to-drink cocktail that was perfect for a hot day.

Upon taking the first sip, the subtle smokiness, citrus notes, and touch of sweetness from the Suntory Toki whiskey were evident without overpowering the other flavors. The addition of the lemon provided a burst of freshness and tang, enhancing the overall flavor profile of the highball.

The cocktail proved to be hydrating and satisfying, with the whiskey’s earthy notes blending seamlessly with the citrus flavors. The harshness that may have been present in the whiskey was diluted, resulting in a smooth and light cocktail that was enjoyable to drink.

Overall, the Japanese style whiskey highball with Suntory Toki whiskey was a fantastic choice for a simple and delicious cocktail experience. Whether reminiscing about past experiences or creating new memories, this cocktail was a definite hit and a refreshing treat for any occasion.

Variations and Customizations

When it comes to creating Japanese style whiskey highballs, there are endless possibilities for variations and customizations to suit your taste preferences. Whether you want to experiment with different whiskeys, sparkling water flavors, or citrus additions, the options are plentiful.

For those who prefer a stronger flavor profile, consider using a whiskey with more pronounced notes to create a bolder highball. Additionally, you can try different types of sparkling water, such as flavored options, to add a unique twist to your cocktail.

If you’re looking to enhance the citrus aspect of the highball, try using different types of citrus fruits like lime or grapefruit to bring a new dimension to the drink. Mixing and matching various ingredients allows you to tailor the cocktail to your liking and discover new flavor combinations.

Furthermore, you can experiment with garnishes like herbs or spices to add complexity to your highball. Whether it’s a sprig of mint, a dash of bitters, or a sprinkle of cinnamon, these customizations can elevate the cocktail and create a more dynamic drinking experience.

Remember, the beauty of making cocktails is the ability to customize them to suit your preferences. Don’t be afraid to get creative and try new combinations to find the perfect Japanese style whiskey highball that you’ll love. Cheers to exploring the world of cocktail variations and customizations!


What type of whiskey is best for making Japanese style highballs?

For Japanese style highballs, it is recommended to use a light whiskey that won’t overpower the other flavors in the cocktail. Whiskeys like Suntory Toki, with subtle smokiness, citrus notes, and a touch of sweetness, are popular choices for this type of cocktail.

How much whiskey should I use in a Japanese style highball?

The typical amount of whiskey to use in a Japanese style highball is 45ml, which is equivalent to about 1.5 ounces. This amount allows the whiskey flavor to come through without overwhelming the other ingredients in the cocktail.

Can I customize a Japanese highball with different ingredients?

Absolutely! Japanese style highballs are versatile and can be customized to suit your taste preferences. You can experiment with different whiskeys, sparkling water flavors, citrus additions, and garnishes like herbs or spices to create a unique and personalized cocktail.

What is the purpose of adding lemon to a Japanese highball?

The addition of lemon to a Japanese highball provides a burst of freshness and tang, enhancing the overall flavor profile of the cocktail. The citrus notes from the lemon complement the whiskey and sparkling water, making the drink more refreshing and enjoyable.

How can I make a Japanese style highball more refreshing?

To make a Japanese style highball more refreshing, you can use plenty of sparkling water to add a hydrating element to the cocktail. Additionally, adding a slice of lemon can enhance the freshness of the drink and make it even more enjoyable on a hot day.

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